This Week in the Stars

Quick Daily Guide
January 17 to 24, 2025

Planetary and lunar movements are calculated from midnight to midnight, EDT.

What does it mean when I say the moon is v/c? After the moon makes its last aspect from one sign, it’s void-of-course (v/c) until it enters the next sign. During this time, you may find yourself on a winding road. More things are hung up or postponed, and often finally resolve themselves when the moon enters its new sign.

Friday, January 17

Moon 6° to 18° Virgo

Things mellow down a bit, as the sun sextiles Neptune. This is a good day for creative work, for meditation, or just for gazing at the sunset with someone you love.   

Saturday, January 18

Moon 18° Virgo to 0° Libra – the moon is v/c from 9:01 pm to 10:32 pm EST

There’s a serious tint to the day, with Venus and Saturn conjunct. You may be dealing with some issues around responsibility and commitment. At the same time, Mercury sextiles both of them, and this helps you wrap your head around what you have to do, and find words to express your intentions.

Sunday, January 19

Moon 0° to 12° Libra

It continues to be a rather solemn time, as the Venus/Saturn conjunction is still strong. However, with Mercury exactly sextiling both of them, it’s a good day for working out whatever you have to work out. Communication skills are strong, and discussions and conversations are rewarding. The sun enters Aquarius and approaches Pluto, so this is a time of transition.

Monday, January 20

Moon 12° to 24° Libra – the moon is v/c after 11:33 pm EST

Things become more intense, with the sun/Pluto conjunction forming. The Mercury/Venus sextile is still strong, so people are talking to each other about everything, and this is good. But, all the same, there’s a sense that powerful energies are lurking below the surface.

Tuesday, January 21

Moon 24° Libra to 6° Scorpio – the moon is v/c until 11:20 am EST

This is a very fraught time, with the sun exactly conjunct Pluto. Much is changing, and the changes run deep. The Mars/Uranus sextile is forming, and so you can actively respond to whatever is going on. Still, there are issues around power, boundaries and control, and you need to be clear about how much power you actually have.


Wednesday, January 22

Moon 6° to 18° Scorpio

You’re fueled by your emotions, and you can take action. With the Mars/Uranus sextile, it’s a good time to innovate, experiment, create.

Thursday, January 23

Moon 18° Scorpio to 0° Sagittarius – the moon is v/c from 7:03 pm to 11:28 pm EST

This is a busy day. Be careful, as it’s also a bit accident-prone, with Mercury in Capricorn opposing Mars in Cancer. There’s a danger of arguments, communication problems, transportation hassles, and technical glitches. Uranus makes harmonious aspects to both sides, and this helps you find innovative ways to solve whatever problems come up.

Friday, January 24

Moon 0° to 12° Sagittarius  

This is a smoother day. The Mars/Uranus sextile is still strong, and so you can get to wherever you want to go. It’s especially good for going outside your ordinary routines, trying something new.