This Week in the Stars

Quick Daily Guide
February 14 to 21, 2025

Planetary and lunar movements are calculated from midnight to midnight, EDT.

What does it mean when I say the moon is v/c? After the moon makes its last aspect from one sign, it’s void-of-course (v/c) until it enters the next sign. During this time, you may find yourself on a winding road. More things are hung up or postponed, and often finally resolve themselves when the moon enters its new sign.

Friday, February 14

Moon 14° to 26° Virgo

Mercury goes into Pisces just in time for Valentine’s Day, giving a softer, sweeter vibe to all communication. It’s a slow, contemplative day. The moon’s opposition to Saturn can give a tendency to put things off, and since it’s Friday, this might be a good idea.  

Saturday, February 15

Moon 26° Virgo to 8° Libra – the moon is v/c from 3:35 am to 6:44 am EST

There isn’t much going on. The sun in Aquarius is inconjunct the south node in Virgo, and so you might need to fight against old habits that no longer serve you. When you go in a new direction, you feel more vital.  


Sunday, February 16

Moon 8° to 20° Libra

Womanpower is building, as Pallas enters Aquarius and moves closer to Pluto. There’s more idealism, more determination to change things for the better.  

Monday, February 17

Moon 20° Libra to 2° Scorpio – the moon is v/c from 6:23 pm to 7:18 pm EST  

Relationships could be a little tense, with the sun in Aquarius square Juno in Scorpio, both at the end of their signs. People in your life may be a bit more demanding, but it could also be that you’ve been procrastinating about something important.

Tuesday, February 18

Moon 2° to 14° Scorpio  

The sun enters impressionable, receptive Pisces today. There’s a preponderance of planets in water signs, so we’re all living in an environment of heightened sensibilities. Strong feelings ebb and flow around us.  

Wednesday, February 19

Moon 14° to 26° Scorpio  

Feelings are still strong, but the trine between the moon and Saturn shows that you’re steadied by your responsibilities and routines. A little structure helps in a floaty time.

Thursday, February 20

Moon 26° Scorpio to 8° Sagittarius – the moon is v/c from 5:05 am to 7:54 am EST

It’s a stimulating, perhaps over-stimulating, time. There’s a tendency to get carried away with things, with Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter. You can imagine all these wonderful things, but take note that not all of them are possible.  

Friday, February 21

Moon 8° to 20° Sagittarius

It’s still easy to get carried away with dreams and plans, as the moon gets involved in the Mercury/Jupiter square. Be careful, since sudden impulses can take you to some weird places.